
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Division and World Vision

Image from:

I found it fitting this morning that I read this quote from Max Lucado’s book Outlive Your Life, “When workers divide, it is the suffering who suffer most.” 

This World Vision thing has been mishandled by so many people and in so many ways that I hope and pray not to simply be another one of them.

My prayer in all of it: in every blog -post, response, defense, or withdrawal of sponsorship is that God would allow all involved to focus on the suffering involved: real children in real need will be affected and it doesn’t really matter who is to blame.

I can find plenty of faults with World Vision and the way they have handled this.  By choosing to allow gay Christians in legal same-sex marriages to be employed, while still maintaining a rule that mandates abstinence outside of marriage, World vision has essentially said that monogamy is more important than immorality.  Instead of using a simple/straightforward Biblical code of conduct where all employees are asked to pursue Jesus with everything that they have and everything that they are, World Vision is in essence picking and choosing which sins to address, even though that’s exactly what they were trying to avoid.  Richard Stearns, who I respect and (will still) recommend as a voice for the forgotten and least of these in our world (You should read his book: The Hole in Our Gospel ) is in a difficult position.  World Vision does try to leave most theology to denominations.  They don’t have statements of belief about proper modes of baptism, women in leadership, etc.  But, in continuing to mandate rules, which include a call for abstinence, while allowing other types of immorality, the group has painted themselves into a corner.  They are in essence saying which sins are o.k. and which sins are not. (Which you can't do by the way.  The Word of God is pretty clear in defining sin.) 

Having said that, I can also find faults with those that have responded so harshly against World Vision.  Many responses from evangelistic leaders have come across heated, mean, and judgmental.  Some have called Stearns a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”  In reading others you would think that World Vision has suddenly stopped its call to minister to the widows and orphans of our world (which the Bible says is “pure religion” by the way).  It’s been another spring-board for evangelicals to speak hateful things about homosexuality while ignoring the need for mercy.

In the end, I think we should ask ourselves  this question: What about the suffering children?  You remember them right?  The ones starving and dying from preventable diseases. 

If you had the ability to save one of their lives, would speaking on the phone with a gay man or woman prevent you from doing so?

If you could save a child’s life, would you choose not to, simply because the person processing the paperwork could potentially be a gay man or woman?

I think (I hope) most Christians would choose to save the child!  And why?  Because these children have already suffered enough!

My point is this.  As Christ followers I think we are bigger than these impassioned, impatient responses.  It's o.k. if you feel shammed.  If you signed up with World Vision based on their core beliefs and practices, it's o.k. to feel like they are trying to change direction.  It's even o.k. to feel like you need to change sponsorship organizations.

If the choice to change hiring practices offends you, I encourage you to send Stearns your objections.  Let him know that these kind of decisions cannot be made in a vacuum no matter how much his board would like to think they can.  Tell him that you don’t understand his change in hiring practices or how he has seemingly made monogamy more important than Holy matrimony.  Ask him how he and the board came to that decision.  

But don’t cause the children to suffer.

If you feel led to cease your sponsorship, let the company know that due to their decision you can no longer support their leadership (which a portion of your monthly giving goes to support) long-term.  Tell them that due to their decision your sponsorship will cease at the end of the year, so that they have time to find someone to take over for you.

But most of all, pray!  Pray and ask God what you should do.

Let the Holy Spirit, whose fruit includes love, peace, and patience guide you.  Don’t simply spout off in anger or leave a child hanging.

The world’s biggest problems require the most people working together towards their solution.  The bigger the problem, the more people required.  The more people, the better chance that there will be some you don’t agree with or even approve of.

There are tons of great organizations out there (Compassion, Food for the Hungry, Project Hopeful) you can support.  Maybe all of this causes you to do a little more research and a lot more praying. 

Whether you continue to support World Vision in their effort to end poverty and injustice or you choose a similar organization to support, I pray that you would keep the following in mind: “When workers divide, it is the suffering who suffer most.”   

**UPDATE: World Vision has reversed their decision and publicly apologized.  We think it takes great humility and wisdom to do this.  See link below for the update and words from Richard Stearns.

World Vision Reverses...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

New Life

I would venture to guess that most gardeners' favorite time of the year is the harvest.  I know my boys love picking the veggies we've been working hard to grow.  It is definitely awesome to be able to enjoy the actual fruits of your labor.

For me, though, I LOVE the planting.  I spent a good majority of today planting various seeds and transplanting tomatoes and peppers. As I was finishing up, I just sat in the garden and took it all in.  There is something so exciting and also peaceful about a springtime garden. 

As I sat there looking around, I couldn't help but think about 2 Corinthians 5:17.  It's the new life that is so exciting.  With gardening, it's an adventure to plant a tiny seed, see that seed emerge through the dirt, and eventually grow into something beautiful or edible.  With people, it's so thrilling to watch a similar yet grander transformation.  I love being around new Christians.  The new life in them is often mesmerizing.  This verse isn't just for "new" Christians though.   We are all new creations.  The New Living Translation says anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.

As we prepare for Easter, I think about how new life would've been all around Christ during his last days.  Flowers blooming, seedlings emerging, and new births would've been everywhere.  What a perfect time to usher in a new way.  A new freedom.  A new life.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Hope When We're Just Plain Worn Out

What do we do when we just have a rough week?  A week filled with so many appointments and commitments and parenting woes and dirty kitchens and well, you get the picture. There have been good times this week in the midst of it all.  Yet, I sit here on a Friday night just plain worn out.  I keep thinking that one of these days I'll be mature enough or spiritual enough to rise above all this and not struggle in the day-to-day.  I want to be able to give and love, but some weeks, it just feels like there's nothing left to pour out. I want to walk in the Spirit following hard after Jesus, but some days are so loud that I can't seem to hear Him.  I long for some quiet so here I sit in a dark room hungry for peace and feeling defeated.

Then, I hear a whisper in my soul, you were not made for this place.  And there He is.  He pours out hope and grace reminding me that this world is not home.  This world is hard.  Loving others is exhausting. We are surrounded by hurts and selfishness and hate.  But there's hope.  And as I lean into Him in this moment, He reminds that I don't have to be enough.  He is enough.  My strength will always wear out this side of heaven.  His strength is everlasting.  And I'm led to these words in Isaiah 40 from The Message,
Why would you ever complain, O Jacob, or, whine, Israel, saying,God has lost track of me.   He doesn’t care what happens to me”? Don’t you know anything? Haven’t you been listening? God doesn’t come and go.  God lasts.   He’s Creator of all you can see or imagine.  He doesn’t get tired out, doesn’t pause to catch his breath.    And he knows everything, inside and out.  He energizes those who get tired,  gives fresh strength to dropouts.  For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall.  But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.   They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind.
He is good.  He is hope.  He loves you.  He loves me.  He is never worn out. God lasts.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

These are wise words that often attributed to Theodore Roosevelt.  I haven't been able to verify that he is the one who said them, but they still ring true.

I think moms today especially need to hear these words and remember them.  On St. Patrick's Day we see other mom's posting pictures of leprechaun footprints, buckets of gold, and their children in matching green outfits while we fished a green t-shirt out of the dirty laundry so that our child wouldn't get pinched.

Remember these words.  Remember that we are all different and there is beauty in that.  Don't let comparison steal the joy of motherhood.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Worth Reading...

I have a few tabs that have stayed open on my computer all week.  They are just good reads so I'm sharing them with you.

  • The Heartbreak of Foster Care - This family shares a piece of their heart and I agree with all of it.  I keep re-reading these words, "If he goes back to his bio parents I’ll cry because I will have lost him. If we adopt him I’ll cry because he will have lost his bio parents. Heartbreak is really just part of living."
  • Doing Life Together - My friend, Sarah, who I've known most of my life, shares about what "Doing Life Together" should really mean.  Let's not let it become a cliche in our Christian circles. Let's mean what we say or stop saying it altogether. 
Happy Sunday!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Orphans, Widows, and Our Duty

Image courtesy of
As a Christian, we can hear that there are 45 million orphans in the world and do nothing because it's just too big of problem.  The Bible mentions "orphans" or the "fatherless" over 30 times and most of those times are a call to act.  Almost every time orphans are mentioned, it is with widows.  Why do you think this is?  I think it's because widows and orphans are easy to ignore.  We all have our own families, our own people to look after, and we don't think we have the time or the money or the whatever to help someone else.  Yet, God doesn't let us off the hook.

Exodus tells us not to take advantage of them. Deuteronomy says God "defends the cause of the fatherless," and He instructs His people to provide for the orphans and widows and to never deprive them justice.  Job talks about rescuing the fatherless and widows.  Psalms 82:3-4 is quoted in the above picture and tells to "defend" and "uphold" them.  Isaiah 1:7 is pictured below and again tells us to"defend the cause of orphans and fight for the rights of widows." In Zechariah and Jeremiah, we are told not to oppress the orphan or widow.  James defines "pure religion" as caring for the orphan and the widow. And my absolute favorite verses on this subject are Psalm 68:5-6 and we read that "God sets the lonely in families."
Image courtesy of
This is not every verse that mentions orphans or widows, but I think the picture is made clear.  We have a duty.  It's not a special calling for a select few.  It's not something we get a choice in.  As Christ-followers, we are told to care for the orphans and the widows.  We don't need to pray about it whether or not we should, it's there in living black and white words.  Our prayer instead should be, "Lord, how do You want me and my family to care for them?"

I could list ways you could help.  I could list ministries you could get involved in or send money to, but that could be overwhelming in and of itself.  You don't have to look far and honestly, you probably already know about lots of these organizations.  

I believe if you truly pray about how to help, it will be made clear.  I will share our own personal journey to foster care with the hows and whys in a few days.  But in short, it's this, we prayed and God made it clear. And I am so grateful He did.   

45 million orphans is an overwhelming and heartbreaking number.  Remember that it's not just a number.  Everyone of these has a name and a story.  What would it look like if we all actually did our duty and cared for them?  I just about burst into tears every time I think about the possibilities.  Did you now that there are 2.1 billion people who claim they are Christians?  The math isn't difficult.  There simply shouldn't be that many orphans.  I don't have the number for widows and there will always be widows and widowers, but "God sets the lonely in families." How awesome is our God!  What is He calling your family to do?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Beauty, Baldness, and Bravery

On February 14th, I had a coming out on FB.  I posted the following words and picture,

I am about to do something bold and scary. I absolutely hate drawing attention to myself. But I'm also thankful for social media today and that I can get this out. I'm pretty open about about the fact that I have alopecia areata but have never made a huge announcement so this will be new to some of you. Alopecia areata is autoimmune disorder in which my body attacks itself and I end up with bald spots all over. Since I was young, I've had bald spots come and go. Certain times are worse than others and the cause and cure are unknown. Over the last few months, it's gotten worse again. I've lost 30-40% of my hair on my head. I'm tired of trying to cover it up everyday. It's time consuming and expensive. I also absolutely hate wearing a wig. I did for years but it was uncomfortable and I was still self-conscious. All that to say you are about to see me shaven. I am hoping by announcing this I will stop the confusion and rumors of cancer (which have happened before). I don't feel sick. I'm okay with any questions you have. I don't mind talking about it. I covet your prayers as I do this. Thank you for letting me share this and get real with you.

I was completely overwhelmed with the response.  The largest response by far has been people telling me I'm beautiful.  The second has been people saying I'm brave or courageous or strong.  I have appreciated every word.  Though I must confess that when I made the decision to do this, I didn't feel beautiful and being brave or strong never entered my mind.  I just knew with everything in me that it was time.  I believe the Holy Spirit gave the courage to do it.  I did shed some tears that morning, but for the most part I knew it was what I needed to do.  And it was one of the most freeing experiences I've ever had.

I need to stop here and say that this is MY calling. I do not believe there is anything wrong with wearing a wig or scarves or hats.  This is not and will never be about making a statement or telling others I'm doing it the correct way. For me, I had this constant inner battle anytime my alopecia worsened of wanting to be open about it and at the same time wanting to hide.  I have struggled with a strong desire to look normal.  Even though, I'm not sure any of us know what normal really looks like.

I've thought often over the last few weeks, why is this brave?  Why has it been so freeing?  I think the answers to both for me are one and the same.  I GAVE OVER SOMETHING I'VE BEEN TRYING TO CONTROL FOR YEARS.  I walked in obedience and haven't looked back. I literally felt lighter in so many ways and knew I had let go of a weight that had been tangling me up.

I really believe it has very little to do with my hair. If you've read any of my other blog posts, especially the one about me loving lists, you know I tend to be quite the control freak.  I'm also a slow learner.  I've never had control over this, yet I kept trying to control it.  I've seen traditional doctors, tried treatments, changed my diet, cut out stress, taken supplements, and currently see a wellness doctor.  I actually feel better than I have in years. Still, my hair continues to fall out.  In doing all the blood work I've done over the past year, I've also been informed that I have markers for other autoimmune disorders, several in fact. In short, my immune system overreacts causing inflammation in various forms. Anyone with any autoimmune problems know it can be very frustrating and confusing.  And you have no real control.  Yes, I feel better and have actually seen numbers drop in my blood work on my current diet, but obviously it's not been a miracle cure.  As far as I know, there is only one person capable of miracles and so far He's not given that to me in this area.

However, I cannot complain.  I have been given a different kind of miracle.  I don't cringe when looking in the mirror anymore or worry about whether a bald spot is showing.  I'm learning about true beauty and actually listening.  I don't know if I'm at the point where I can thank God for this and mean it, but I am truly thankful for what He is teaching me through it.  I still wish I had hair sometimes and some days are harder than others, but most days I'm completely okay with being a partly-bald chick with a buzz cut.  Of course, the fact that it only takes me about 15 minutes to get completely ready in the morning is a bonus. And then there's the money I'm saving on products and haircuts. :)

I'm sharing this to hopefully encourage you.  Whatever God is calling you to, do it.   It probably won't be easy.  Freedom rarely is, but it's worth it.  I don't feel brave.  I feel vulnerable.  In Deuteronomy and Joshua, we read the words "Be strong and courageous."  So often we try to muster up courage that never seems to appear.  The problem is we are not reading the rest of the words.  Both times they are followed by a promise that God never leaves or forsakes us.  We are not called to be strong and brave on our own. He is always with us and we are meant to be courageous in His strength.

God has been teaching me lots with my new look.  I really don't what this blog to become the "bald girl" site, because I know my identity is not in my hair.  However, it is a big part of my life and I will continue to share as I feel led.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Real Confessions of a God-fearing, American Housewife

I said I was going to be real on this blog.  Lest you think I spend my days pondering the words of the Holy Spirit and sharing them with you (and laughing was heard from anyone who's been around my family).  Here are some confessions of mine, in completely random order,
  • I am a horrible housekeeper (and Jason just shouted "Amen!").  I hate cleaning and will usually find any other way to spend my time.  Yet a cluttered and dirty house stresses me out.  I need an intervention.
  • I struggle many days with finding time to really read my Bible yet seem to find time to get on Facebook and watch Call the Midwife. I asked the Holy Spirit to be unrelenting on me with this and OUCH!. He definitely is and I am grateful for it.
  • I have perfected the ability to tune out my children.  This can be both a good and bad thing depending on the moment.
  • I am completely uncomfortable walking inside a nursing home or hospital.  I hate this about myself and hope that changes one day.
  • When one of my children call out from their bed to remind me to pray with them, I sometimes thank God for them and other times cringe as I just got comfortable on the couch.  
  • I think McDonalds is completely disgusting yet still let me kids eat it sometimes.
  • I spend way too much money on junk.  The same junk that so often clutters up my home and stresses me out.
  • I struggle with wanting to be in charge of our family and wanting Jason to lead us.  Maybe if I just get out of the way...
  • I am addicted to adoption fundraisers.  If someone is adopting and needs money, I will give it.  If they are selling a t-shirt (or whatever), I will buy it.
  • I love my kids so much that it hurts sometimes and I struggle with why God has given them to a messed up sinner like me.
  • People different than me make me uncomfortable sometimes.  Another thing I hate about myself and I'm living proof that someone who lacks mercy can grow in it through Christ.  He continues to stretch me and challenge me in this area and I am so grateful each time (though not usually at the beginning - when I'm digging in my heels and trying to find a reason not to step out).
  • I once told God I would never be a foster parent.  It is one of the hardest things I've ever done.  No, I don't think God called me to it because I said I wouldn't.  I think He was calling me to it before I ever said no.  But there is a little girl messing up my house faster than I do that I cannot imagine my life without.  I hate that she ever needed to be removed from her home.  I hate that this is world is so broken that moms and dads don't know how to love and care for their babies.  But oh am I glad God never stopped pushing us here.  
  • I would give you my kidney if you ever need it, whether I know you or not.  The problem I have is in giving you my heart.
I'm sure there'll be more to come.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Let's Stop Pretending

Warning: This post is coming from a very restless momma who's becoming increasingly uncomfortable every day.

I read and posted this blogger's take on what's happening to Christians in North Korea on Facebook last night,

Her post is in regards to this,

I had trouble sleeping as I couldn't shake these brothers and sisters from my mind.  I told God I don't understand it.  I know this is not our home.  I know how this world's story ends.  Yet, I'm so troubled by the fate of these.  I prayed that their death be remembered.  I prayed that those of us on the other side of the world don't ignore it.

As I laid in my comfortable bed under a pile of blankets while my heater hummed in the background and my kids were tucked snug in their beds, I was overwhelmed with the disparity of the situation.  Here I am stressed about the laundry and cleaning that the next day holds and there are 33 of God's children in a cold cell awaiting their death all because they stood up for the truth.  They looked fear in the face and saw people hurting and dying around them and refused to keep quiet with the hope of Christ.

I cannot feel guilty about where I was born and where God has placed me for this season, but I can change my focus from being comfortable.  It's so hard for us to even comprehend what these Christians across the ocean have faced and the choices they've made on a daily basis when my hardest choice today might be which room to clean first.

It's overwhelming.  I tend to freeze not knowing where to go or what to do when I'm overwhelmed.  I know I'm not alone in this.  I see it happening all the time.  We pretend not to know about these stories.  We pretend not to see the woman standing on the corner.  We pretend we don't know about the lonely man down the street.  Ignorance is bliss, right?  Only one problem, we're not ignorant of the hurts of this world.  We see the hurting all around us.  When we don't, we have an even bigger problem that we are so self-focused and therefore blind.  Usually though we know and we choose to ignore.  We've done it so much that we don't even realize we are doing it anymore.  We justify our actions by our own busyness and we continue to pretend.

I am reminded of Katie Davis and her book Kisses from Katie.  We can be overwhelmed with the hurt around us and do nothing or we can choose to love the ones placed in front of us.  I think loving your family is a high calling and an important one, but I think sometimes we assume it's our only calling.  We are called to get out and love. Some days as a stay-at-home-mom, I may love my family by not complaining about the laundry and doing it because I love them.  That will be my calling some days.  But on this side of the globe, we have become so detached and so used to staying inside our own homes that we don't even realize there might be more. I'm pretty sure other days I am called to leave the laundry basket and get out out my comfort zone.  Could this be one of the reason we are depressed, feeling insignificant, and struggling with purpose?  We were created for more.

Let's not ignore what's happening in North Korea or on our own streets.  He's put you in your part of the world for a reason.  We can pray for the 33 brothers and sisters who probably get meet our Creator sooner than we will.  We can let their deaths not be in vain by letting them change us.  I pray my children do not sit on their couches struggling with the same things I'm struggling with.  I pray that as a family loving the people where we are placed becomes so familiar to them that they never consider the alternative.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Explore the depths of God's love!

I pray that you … may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:18-19)

Ever looked out over the ocean?  Ever looked out over the ocean in a beautiful place where the water is blue and crystal clear (Galveston doesn’t count)?  Beautiful deep blue water as far as the eye can see!

I heard the other day that of all the places on earth, the ocean was the least explored.  Maybe that’s because we don’t really even know how big it is.  Scientists have tried to guess, but the truth is, we really don’t know how wide, long, deep the ocean is!  Think about that.  Let that set in for a moment.  

And yet, the Bible says the love of God is even greater! 

Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians (and for us by the way) is that they/we would have the power (through the Spirit) to wrap our minds around just how much God really loves us!

His prayer is that we might explore the depths, the cracks, the crevices, the trenches of God’s love that so many others seldom come to see.

He prays that in Christ and through His Spirit we would become great explorers of the deep ocean known as God’s grace, mercy, and love!  When I think about the true meaning of this verse I can’t help to think that most of us have only stood upon the shore or waded into a comfortable level with God.

Which begs me to ask: Where are you in your journey? Ankle deep? Waist deep? Treading water?

What are you waiting for?  Dive in!  Dive deep!  Explore the beauty and majesty the IS God’s love.  Find His mercy lying deep down next to His justice.  Explore His grace and compassion.  Check out His unfathomable forgiveness. 

Dive in and explore!  Each area of His love is filled with a lifetime of beauty, splendor and adventure!

According to Paul… only then will we be able to be filled with the full measure of Christ!

And let me close with this thought… its one I can’t shake this morning.  You can take it or leave it.  You can over examine it.  But it’s just a simple observation on my part: I think this kind of exploration of God’s love is something that takes practice!

Do you remember learning to swim?  When you first began, you could only hold your breath for so long.  And because of this, you could only dive so deep, and see so much.  But, as you learned how to swim and practiced, your lungs developed and you could stay under longer and see so much more!

I love to snorkel.  One of my favorite things is to take a deep breath and dive as deep as I can to take in all of the beauty of God’s creation.  

I think it’s a bit like that with trying to grasp God’s love.  It’s not a one-time road trip to the beach.  It’s a lifetime of submerging yourself in the ocean of God’s love and mercy!  It’s daily going as deep as you can and taking in all the beauty and splendor you can handle.

I hope and pray you (we)  hunger to see the depths of God’s love and mercy!  Dive deep my friends!

Friday, March 7, 2014

As bold as a lion...

I love to write.  I have truly missed it.  I’m not back where I want to be yet, but I have started to “jot down” some thoughts here and there again and with the encouragement of my beautiful wife I will begin to share them here from time to time.  

If you have been paying attention and following our blog, you’ll notice that we have very different writing styles and that the Lord is working on us in different ways.  I think that is amazingly beautiful!  I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am to see what Jesus is doing in her life!

We started this blog together some time ago to give people a glimpse into what God is doing in our lives.  For a long time it has been dormant.  That’s not because God hasn’t been working as much as it is that we haven’t been testifying.  God is good!  He has always and will always be way better than we deserve.  I hope you enjoy honest heartfelt testimonies that you find here.  I hope you enjoy reading the true writer of the family (Hope) and that my ramblings at the very least make sense to you and maybe even encourage you a bit.  With that being said: Feel free to read on…

“The righteous are as bold as a lion.” Prov.28:1

Those following hard after God possess a boldness that is not of themselves.  As they seek the Lord with all of their heart, they find Him.  And in finding Him, they find His truth!  God empowers His children with His Spirit.  Their natural fears and inabilities are replaced by His power, boldness and giftedness!

As Christians we have the ability and opportunity to seek out the Lord and to cast our burdens upon Him in a divine exchange (where we give Him our yoke and we receive His).  We have the opportunity to give Him our fears, our inabilities, our shyness and selfishness, and to receive from Him His power, His ability and His confidence!

Can you fathom how good this God is?  He doesn’t just save us and then leave us as orphans (Jn. 14:18).  He saves us and invites us into a divine cooperation in which we are constantly equipped with His gifts and abilities.

I love what my good friend Andy Dietz says, “Anything done in the flesh is only as good as the flesh can do it, but anything done in the Spirit is done as good as God can do it.” 

No wonder the apostle Paul encourages us to live/walk/exercise in the Spirit!

Father God, thank you for being so awesome!  Thank you for saving us!  Thank you for being a God that goes even beyond Salvation!  A God that loves us enough to meet us where we are, but loves us too much to leave us there!

My Father, thank you for not leaving me as an orphan.  Thank you for this invitation to a divine exchange!  Thank you for abiding in me, empowering me, giving me your gifts as I abide in you!

Remind us each day of the invitation you lay before us: we can go about life in the flesh and the results will be only as good as the flesh can muster… or we can go about life in the Spirit and watch in awe as we witness life done as God and God alone can do it!

Father, the choice is clear!  I choose you!  For today and for a thousand days to come… I choose you!  May Your glory be made known as your children walk in an abiding relationship with you!