
Monday, January 23, 2012

Can you worship a God who isn't obligated to explain His actions to you?

That's the question author Francis Chan asks of us in his book "Crazy Love."  And the answer for some may vary.  Perhaps you feel like God needs to explain himself.  Maybe you question his nature or his character and because of that you constantly have questions about and for God.  "God, why are there so many starving people in the world?"  "God why did my friend have to die?"  "God, why did my spouse leave me all alone?"

While these questions would seem "normal" and even justified by some in our society today, I would encourage pause on our part when we feel these kind of things rising up in us.  I've heard many a preacher proclaim that God is big enough for our questions.  And I want you to know that I believe that is true.  God is certainly big.  I mean we are still exploring the depths of his first sentence of revelation to us: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  The question isn't about the size of God, or even the power of God, the question ultimately is about the authority of God.  People today aren't "comfortable" with a God that isn't obligated to explain his actions.  They would rather question everything that is wrong with our world and point the finger at God as if it's all His doing. 

(If your one of those people, be warned, I'm about to offend you.)  As I study scripture there is one thing that God has nailed down within me, and that is His character!  My God is loving and merciful and gracious, but He is also totally just!  He owes no man an explanation of who He is, yet He has given us a loving account of self-revelation.  No, as I study scripture what I have found instead is this: it is not God's character that needs to be questioned it is ours!  Why are so many people starving when we throw out tons of food a year?  Why are people dying of curable diseases when we have the resources to do something about it?  Why are there more slaves today than ever in the history of the world?  Why has the gospel still not reached the ends of the earth when we live in a day and age where we have the ability to communicate like never before?

The answer friends is right before us!  The answer stares back at each of us every morning as we look into the mirror.  We are the ones that must give account.  You want to ask God the tough questions?  Then you better be prepared to answer them yourself? 

These questions leave me humbled, embarrassed, even ashamed.  They also leave me challenged.  Wanting.  Ready to change and make a difference.

The question should not be can we worship a God who isn't obligated to explain His actions to us, the question should be how could we worship a God who was anything less? 

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