
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Being Unpopular Sucks But I Must Remain Focused

Yes, I said sucks, because well it does and "stinks" just doesn't fully convey how it feels.  Yesterday as I was having fun watching another ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, I also saw someone else post that the ALSA funds embryonic research.  I also started wondering what exactly is all this money doing.  I read a few articles but it was a crazy, busy (and productive) day so my research stopped there.

This morning one of my favorite people nominated me for the challenge.  I was flattered to be a part of the fun though dreading the actual icy water.  I asked Jason if he'd pour a bucket on me at lunch.  I also started discussing what I'd read yesterday with him.  That lead to us both posting a link to this well-written blog, Why I Cannot Accept the Ice Bucket Challenge.  We were then told and read conflicting things so Jason called ALSA directly and found out that instead of giving online, you can call the ALSA at 1-(888) 949-2577 to give and designate that your monies not be used to fund embryonic stem cell research though unfortunately most people have not done this or are even aware of where the money is truly going. 

Then, I'm thinking, "Okay, I'm back in. Dump the bucket on me." Only something still wasn't sitting right with me (and this is not me trying to avoid the ice water ;) ). I read on the ALSA website that they've raised almost  $42 million dollars so far through this challenge in the last few weeks alone. That's incredible! ALS is a unspeakable, horrible disease that I wouldn't wish on anyone. A cure for it would be awesome but I couldn't help thinking "at what cost?"

Why was I still feeling unsettled about this? It's a fun, harmless challenge for a good cause, right? I started praying asking God to give me clarity and wisdom. He reminded me that I have been praying since the beginning of this year for focus and for Him to show me where my energy, focus, and giving should be. I have also prayed almost daily for Him to help me stop and think before I act on something. I've been overwhelmed with the hurting, the violence, the diseased, the hungry, and the lonely in our world. It's too much. My head spins, I weep, and I lay still and confused over how to help and what to do. And, then, so often I would freeze. I don't know what to do so I do nothing. I say a pray and I try to push it out of mind so I don't go insane. Prayer is powerful, but God didn't call me to only pray. He calls us to action. He calls us to give. He calls us to move out of our frozen state.

God has been faithful in answering my prayers.  Proverbs 2:2-5 tells us, 
turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding— indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
And James 1:5 tells us, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

God has been showing me that He gave me my passions for a reason. I am passionate about the local church. I am passionate about orphans, especially adoption and orphan prevention. I am passionate about the hungry, especially single moms who struggle to provide. I am passionate about spreading truth, whether it's the truth of the Gospel or simply stopping a lie being spread that is invoking fear or fighting. I have other passions, but those are what gets me going like nothing else. If you ever want to see me upset, say something ugly about the Bride of Christ OR tell me that I shouldn't foster or adopt (yes, it has happened way too often) OR tell me you don't have enough to share with others OR tell me you can't help so-and-so because of fear based on lies of this world.

These are the areas where God is showing me I am called to give and move and focus. Do you know the relief and joy that comes when I concentrate on those things? I can trust that He is moving in others to be the hands and feet for other injustices of this world. The problem is that so often I am distracted and I don't focus on these.

If you made it this far, by now you are wondering, what in the world does this have to do with the ice bucket thing?  Or who cares if she does it or not (That's probably what I'd be thinking)?  Contributing to the ALS is not my calling.  It's not where my focus is supposed to be.  It may be for others.  If I were to participate, it would be simply because it's fun and popular.  My motives would be ill-placed.  I know I let "popular" things become a distraction to me.

So, here I am, a party-pooper.  I'm raining on someone else's parade.  But I am grateful.  I'm grateful that God is growing me.  I'm grateful that He is teaching me to stop and think.  I'm grateful that He is helping me to align my passions with His calling.

Because of my passions, I leave you with the following.  By the way, it would have been much easier for me to pour ice water on my head today than to share all this.

These numbers do not mean one is more important that the other. There are so many statistics I could share on everything from cancer to war to preventable diseases. These numbers are simply shared to get you thinking. I shared only U.S. statistics because I could easily find reliable sources.  This is in no way to say we should concentrate inside our borders.  The orphan and hunger problems only get bigger outside our country.  Yet, the Bible is clear that we are called to meet their needs.

Where is God calling you to spend your time, efforts, and money?  What are you passionate about?  What is distracting you from His calling?  I believe He has specifics in mind for each of His people and we are not called to feel overwhelmed every time a "good" cause needs our money or time.

For all my friends and family who have participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge, I have enjoyed watching every minute of it.  For those who feel led to participate, I hope you have fun pouring that cold water on yourself, but with anything like this, please be informed what you are supporting and where your money is going.  For those that don't feel led to participate, I hope you move on to where you do and don't feel guilty or pressure for one minute.

And when the next fun craze comes around, I'm selfishly hoping I don't have such a personal dilemma over something as silly as an ice bucket. I'm sure anyone who has read this jumbled mess all the way through feels the same. :)